Thursday, May 17, 2007

Recollections of a rainy day photo with Big Bird

Tomorrow Kaitlin, mom and I are off to the Tulip Festival in Orange City, IA.

I have been there only once before. My older brother was once the Prince of Czech Days (our hometown celebration) and because of that, we had to travel to several of the area celebrations that year so that he could ride the float in the parades.

I don't think that I remember it personally. What I vaguely remember is one faded picture my mom probably has in a box somewhere of me (I think...maybe it was my brother) standing in the street on a rainy day with a giant Big Bird and she must have told me that it was at the Tulip Festival in IA.

It was a rainy day back then, but tomorrow is forcasted to be beautiful - mid-80's and sunny - and I am certainly hoping for some stellar photo opps among all those tulips. I hope to be sharing those with you soon.
Recollections of a rainy day photo with Big BirdSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend