Sunday, March 20, 2011

:JOURNALING HELPER: My Favorite Signs of Spring

I don't know about you, but I sure am glad to be enjoying warmer temps, longer days, and the return of green!!

So, here's a little gift for you to help us all celebrate the first day of spring.

I took these checklist ideas right from the comments to the American Crafts giveaway question posted last Monday: What is your favorite sign that spring is on the way?

So, a big THANK YOU goes to each and every one of you who shared your thoughts with us.

Now that we've got some warmer weather on our hands, it's the perfect time to take a photo walk to collect a few pictures to represent your spring favorites.

This journaling helper is a PDF document that will print nicely on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of cardstock.

Then all you need to do trim it down, check of your personal favorite signs of spring, add up to three that might be missing and it's ready to finish off a quick and simple layout.


I hope you enjoy it and feel free to share with others (please remember to let them know where you found it).

Happy scrapping!
:JOURNALING HELPER: My Favorite Signs of SpringSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend