Saturday, February 6, 2010

:GIVEAWAY WINNER: A Year in the Life by Write.Click.Scrapbook from Ella Publishing

Thanks for all the great comments to the review for A Year in the Life eBook by Write.Click.Scrapbook from Ella Publishing! It was so much fun to read about why each of you love your month of choice.

As I was reading them, I thought, "Hey, it would be neat to chart this and see which month's come out on top." (Boy, I didn't realize that I was such a nerd!)

So, here's the chart...

I was a little surprised that no one seems to love the love month...poor February...but every other month seems to have some devoted fans.

Not surprisingly, June, the beginning of the summer season, is loved by many. However, the months containing the end-of-year holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) seem to tower above the rest of the year when considered collectively.

This actually gave me an idea for a about scrapping a family layout that records each member's favorite month of the year and includes journaling in their own words?! Could be fun!!

Anyway, without further statistical ado, the winner of a free download of A Year in the Life is...

...lucky commentor #39! Congrats, Debbie!! Watch your inbox for futher details on how to claim your prize...

Stay tuned for more great reviews and giveaways coming soon!
:GIVEAWAY WINNER: A Year in the Life by Write.Click.Scrapbook from Ella PublishingSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend