She tells everyone "We changed my birthday to another day [Saturday] cause only Mommy and Daddy could come on my real birthday." ONLY? I guess we're not enough for her birthday! :-)
So, we sent her balloons at daycare and she was pretty tickled about that. She got some from Grandma and Grandpa Paulson, too.
After work, we took her mini-golfing for the first time - she scored a 77...okay, she cheated a little, but not much. She got it within 4 feet of the hole on her first shot on just about all of the 18 holes. I think she only knocked it out once. I think we might have a golfer on our hands!
And we were off to Dairy Queen for ice cream after.
However, she has OFTEN mentioned being an animal doctor, rescuer, or pet shop owner. She sure has a soft spot for animals...she is often on the verge of tears when she watches the shows that show animals being mistreated. It makes her sad. It is the sweetest.
Who knows what my little girl will be when she grows up, but I do know she's getting there way too fast.
At about 2 a.m., I heard Kaitlin get up and go to the bathroom. Afterwards, she came in our bedroom and climbed in and snuggled with me. She said, "Thanks for doing all those fun things with me today, Mom. It was a great day." Then she went back to sleep.
Justin heard and said, "That makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it?"
It sure does.