Monday, April 9, 2007

One busy Easter leads to one tired kid...

We had a nice Easter.

We had a little bit of Easter on Sunday with egg this pic.

Look you see anything 'wrong' with this picture?? Hmmm...I don't think that boiled eggs are supposed to float, are they? We realized right away that I must not have boiled them long enough, but do you think an impatient daughter and father would let me put them back on for awhile? Heck one's really going to eat them anyway!

Sunday started off by Kaitlin finding the loot that Mom (oh, yes, I mean the Easter Bunny) left just inside the front door. She was quite excited! Her favorite items were the fancy lavender play dress complete with white satin gloves ("Just like Cinderella!!" she said.) and flower and pearl headpiece and the movie "Charlotte's Web." She also got another outfit (embroidered jeans, t-shirt and pullover) and a little bit of candy.

Then, later in the morning, we headed out to Grandpa Joe & Grandma Sue's (aka "Grandma with the brown hair") - my parent's house for dinner. Kaitlin's cousins, Nick, Emily & Rachel were there, so she had a lot of fun playing with them. She also got a little 'quality' time in with her Uncle Lee and Aunt Lynnie.

Of course, we all ate way to much, but that goes with the territory of holidays, right? After dinner, we all sat down (because we could all hardly move anyway) and watched "Gridiron Gang." GOOD movie...liked it a lot.

This took us into mid-afternoon and it was time to head over to Justin's parent's house - Grandpa Rahn and Grandma Ruth (aka "Grandma with the yellow hair"). Shortly after arrival, we were sent off on an adults Easter Egg hunt with photos clues from all over town...Ruth loves this stuff!! It was pretty fun, even though Justin's brother left without full instructions and ended up stealing some of our eggs!

By the time we got back to the house, Kaitlin's cousins (first, once-removed, I think it would be) Grant and Lincoln were there and it was time for a kids-only egg hunt. There were eggs all over the yard and they had a ball finding them all!

Kaitlin is a pretty good egg-finder!

Grant & Kaitlin show off their stash!

Did you see him?? There went the Easter Bunny!!

Then, we ate some more (of course) and spent the evening visiting...a nice day!

However, Kaitlin was a bit OVER-tired by the time we made it home and she was just a bit cranky when it came time to put the jammies on. She was like, "Don't touch me, don't talk to me, but don't you dare leave the room." She's very particular when she hits this stage and tiredness. She had a hard time staying asleep for the night, too, which led to a little bit of rocking. Boy, haven't had to do that in a while.

One busy Easter leads to one tired kid...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend