Saturday, December 18, 2010

:MEMORYWORKS EXPRESS: January 2011 Kit Sneak Peek - "Urban Traveler"

Take a look at the January 2011 "Urbann Traveler" MemoryWorks Express Kit...

Watch for futher details on this kit coming soon! 

In the meantime, enjoy the details of a few past MemoryWorks Express Kits!

A MemoryWorks Express Kit subscription is ONLY $29.95 (plus $6.50 S&H) per month! They are chock full of the latest and greatest in the scrapbooking industry, the items are always timely in terms of the current season or holiday, and the price can't be beat!

If you are interested in subscribing or would simply like more information, please don't hesitate to contact me!
:MEMORYWORKS EXPRESS: January 2011 Kit Sneak Peek - "Urban Traveler"SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend