Monday, October 12, 2009

:PHOTOS: What happened to fall??

Again, what in the world happened to FALL?

We woke up this morning with a blanket of snow and the temps today were about 40 degrees below the average for this time of year!

However, I did get some interesting fall/winter photos out of the deal.

I had the day off due to Native American Day and stopped at the park to take these pictures on the way to Kaitlin's school to watch her read to her class (she was Teacher's Helper today) and I also got to read a story to her class. I chose The Fierce Yellow Pumpkin which is my FAVORITE Halloween picture book...the kids loved it. I also had lunch with her and then went back home to do a little more scrapping before it was time to pick her up for the day.

All in all, a pretty good day off...

So, back to the photos. Here's my favorite six...which is your favorite??






or #6?

Please leave a comment to let me know and tell me how you spent your Native American Day...
:PHOTOS: What happened to fall??SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend