Friday, October 23, 2009

:GIVEAWAY: Ella Publishing Co. giveaway...

So who wants a free ebook from Ella Publishing Co. and learn 20 Simple Secrets of Happy Scrapbookers?

Yes...I all do, but I could only pick one winner and since I couldn't choose, I let the True Random Number Generator at do it for me.

So, lucky commentor #2 is the winner this time!

CONGRATULATIONS, RACHEL!! Watch your email as I'll be contacting you soon with further details on how to claim your prize.

If you didn't win this time, don't be sad. Head on over to Ella Publishing Co. and do a little shopping. $5.99 isn't even enough to feel guilty about! :-)
:GIVEAWAY: Ella Publishing Co. giveaway...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend