Is this guy straight out of HEAVEN, or what!? If you need a bigger hint:
I LOVE was a little surreal to have watched his entire season of American Idol and then see him perform in real life. It was an awesome show! My ticket was my birthday present from my sister (love you, Lynnie!) and we had a great night together. My only complaint is that it didn't last long enough...this coming from a working mom who's usually quite content to snuggle up with her 5 year old and read a story by 9:30 p.m. For this guy, I could have stayed up all night...well, at least till midnight! :-)
The show was in Sioux Falls, SD as part of the Sioux Empire Fair and there were over 11,000 people there.
This picture isn't the best, but it gives you an idea. This is only about half of the grand stand area, which was entirely full, and Lynn & I were in the general admission area in front of the stage, which was also packed. It was awesome! I will definitely go see him again if I have the chance!
We got home late and had to get up early to take part in our town's city-wide rummage! We had a great day of selling and have one more to go...hopefully tomorrow is just as successful!